Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek [January 5, 2012]


Extension Update by Gary L. Zoubek - Extension Educator

Coming Events

Jan. 4, 2012 – Crop Production Clinic, Classic’s, Beatrice, info http://cpc.unl.edu

Jan. 5, 2012 – Crop Production Clinic, City Auditorium, info http://cpc.unl.edu

Jan. 9-11, 2012 – Nebraska Ag Classic, Holiday Inn, Kearney, http://www.neagclassic.org

Jan. 10, 2012 – Crop Production Clinic, Adams County Fairgrounds, Hastings, info http://cpc.unl.edu

Jam. 23, 2012 – 7:00 p.m., Extension Board Meeting, Extension Office, York

Jan. 25, 2012, 1:30 p.m. – Private Pesticide Applicator Training – 4-H Building, York

Feb. 16, 2012, 1:30 p.m. – Private Pesticide Applicator Training – 4-H Building, York

Season’s Greetings

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone.  We’ve sure had some great weather this past month!  I’ve done a little reviewing of this past year’s weather and it’s been unusual, but that’s Nebraska weather.

The NOAA weather station York 3N reports 34.22” for the year.  I’ve been trying to keep a record of York data and have a file beginning in 1921 thru 2011 or ninety-one years of data.  The average that I have is just over 27.01”, so how does this year rank?  It does not make the top ten but comes in at 15th!

Any idea when the driest and highest rainfall totals were?  They reported 40.37” in 1993 and 14.10” in 1934.  So what about next year, it’s anyone’s guess, we’ve average nearly 28” the past ten years.  Looking back at the historic data, we have had six years in a row that we average over 33” for the year, those years were 1982-1987, but from 2000-2004 we had five years that averaged 22.15”/year.

I guess we’ll know the answers to those questions next year at this time!

Crop Production Clinics Planned
I hope all area crop producers and those involved in the crop production industry are planning to attend our Crop Production Clinic planned for this week on Thursday January 5th  at the City Auditorium here in York.


The Soil, Water & Crop Management topics will be:

9:00 Land Values and Cash Rents, Farm Policy Update and Employee/Employer Relations

10:00 The Value of Field-Specific Soybean Stage Forecasts

11:00 Ensuring Your Pivot is Operating Efficiently

12:45 Nutrient Management-Now/Future, Growing 100 Bushel Soybeans- Factors Needed and Soybean Management Field Day Results

1:45 Alternative Practices for Increasing Yield

2:45 Residue Effects on ET and a NAWMN Update


The Pest Management and Safety topics will be:

9:00 Pesticide Laws and Regulations, Effect of Droplet Size on Herbicide Efficacy

10:00 2011 Crop Insects-What is that Bug, Environmental Safety and Pesticides and Effects of Crop Injury on Disease Development

11:00 What’s New in Weed Science, Plant Pathology and Entomology?

12:45 Glyphosate Resistant Giant Ragweed &Marestail and Resistance Management Plan

1:45 Corn and Soybean Disease Updates

2:45 Stink Bugs in Corn and Soybean and Corn Rootworm Management Update

This clinic is also an opportunity to renew your commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators licenses in the categories of Ag Plant, Regulatory and Demonstrations/Research, as well as your private pesticide applicators license.

If you have not attended in the past, I’d sure encourage all area producers to give it a try.  For more information, including program topics, visit the Web at http://cpc.unl.edu/.  Registration is available online by visiting the website or is available at the door starting at 8 a.m. before each clinic, which start at 9 a.m. Cost is $60 for those recertifying as a commercial, non-commercial or private applicator or $50 for those not recertifying. The fee includes a noon meal, the 2012 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska and the 2012 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings.

Nebraska Ag Classic Planned

Have you registered for the Nebraska Ag Classic planned for January 9-11, 2012 at the Holiday Inn in Kearney?   The Nebraska Ag Classic represents the combined efforts of twelve different agricultural, commodity, and ag leadership organizations to provide to those attending our conference one of the largest and best events to be held in Nebraska.

I’ve looked at the agenda and they have a great set of speakers and  trade show! The sessions will bring you up to date on subjects such as urban/rural connections, the new farm bill, water issues and marketing information as well it will give us all an opportunity to learn more about our respective organizations.

The Nebraska Ag Classic organization is comprised of the following groups: NE Corn Board, NE Corn Growers, NE Farm Business Association, Ne Soybean Board, NE Soybean Association, NE Wheat Board, NE Wheat Growers Association, NE LEAD Alumni, NE AgRelations, NE Grain Sorghum Producers, NE Grain Sorghum Board and NE Grain & Feed Association.

For more information or to register go to: http://www.neagclassic.org/.  Registration costs go up after, January 2nd, so if you have not done so yet, now’s the time to register!

Quad County On-Farm Research Update

We had a great On-Farm Research Meeting last Tuesday here in York.  It was great to see some of our newer younger farmers and agri-businessmen in attendance as well as our cooperators.  We don’t have any earthshaking results and in most situations the product being tested did not result in any major economic benefit, but that information is also important to know.  Our corn population studies had mixed results which indicate it’s important to visit with your seed sales person to know how a given hybrid will respond.

Charles Wortmann, Extension Soils Specialist and Keith Glewen, Extension Educator shared some very interesting on-farm results from the Soybean Management Field Day plots that were conducted at four locations across the state!  Their topics were on growing 100 bushel soybeans and insecticide/fungicide combinations!  These results will again be shared at the CPC on January 5th here in York at the city auditorium.

We’re looking for more interested producers and will soon be planning our studies for next season.  Do you have ideas or studies you’d like to see conducted?  If you do, email them to me at gzoubek1@unl.edu or call be at 402-362-5508 or stop by our office located at 2345 Nebraska Av. here inYork, I’d be glad to visit with you about potential studies.  Our next meeting to discuss projects for 2012 will be held February 27 at 1pm at the 4-H Building in York.  If you are interested in on-farm research, I hope you’ll mark your calendar and plan to attend.

Horticulture Training Planned

I will be hosting Master Gardener Training Tuesday evenings beginning Feb. 14th thru March 20th.  The sessions will be from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at our office located at 2345 Nebraska Ave.  This training serves as a refresher for our current Master Gardeners and is also designed for those interested in becoming Master Gardner’s over a two year period.  We also want to invite those of you that interested in learning more about general gardening, horticulture, forestry and pest control!  Cost for returning Master Gardeners is $5.00 for the series, the public can attend at a cost of $5.00 per session or $15.00 for the entire series.  Cost for all the materials for those wanting to become Master Gardeners is $100.00.

2012 topics will be:

February 14- Vegetables: Growing and Pest Control

February 21- Plant I.D. and Plant Diagnostics

February 28 – Tree Problems: Environmental and Pests

March 6 – Herbaceous Perennial Management

March 13 – Soils and Soil Management

March 20 – Weed Management Basics

If you’re interested in attending any of these sessions or want more information, go to our website: http://york.unl.edu and click on the Water & Environment link on the left hand side of the page.  You can also give me a call or stop by our office if you’d like more information about these sessions.

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