Home News Bradshaw Beat Newsletter Recap

Bradshaw Beat Newsletter Recap


Community Surveys have been mailed to Bradshaw residents and need to be completed and mailed back to Miller & Associates.  A high percentage of returned surveys are needed for the village of Bradshaw to qualify for CDBG grants.  Volunteers will go door-to-door later in April to hand out additional copies and pick up completed surveys.

Top items marked in Bradshaw Beat’s informal survey concerning Lincoln Street:
1.  Resurface Lincoln St. with asphalt
2.  Resurface Lincoln St. with concrete
3.  Put in center medians to narrow the street area
4.  Get a grant and bond the rest

The Village of Bradshaw Board of Trustees met for their regular monthly meeting March 10, 2011, 7 P.M. at the Bradshaw Community Center in the lower meeting room.  Board members include:  James Gordan (Chair); Don Burgener; Oscar Eaton; Charles Nichols; Terry Werth; Doug Preslicka (Superintendent); Beverly Bornschlegl (Clerk/Treasurer)

Change of Date for annual Alumni Banquet normally held Memorial Weekend–It will be held during Bradshaw Days near the end of July.  More information upcoming in the Bradshaw Beat.

The summer calendar is filling up for the Bradshaw Community Center.  Reserve your date for your family gathering, reunion or wedding.

The Bradshaw Beat is a monthly newsletter published by the Village of Bradshaw.  If you have articles, information or pictures that you would like to share, contact the village at villageofbradshaw@windstream.net or call 402-736-4634.

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