Home News Agriculture Extension Update from Jenny Rees

Extension Update from Jenny Rees


Jenny’s REESources

Mar. 1:  Chemigation, 1 p.m., 4-H Building, York, smelvin1@unl.edu
Mar. 1:  Chemigation, 1 pm, Pinnacle Bank, Columbus, anygren2@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 9am, United Church of Christ, Crete, rpyror1@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Ag Building Fairgrounds, Aurora, smelvin1@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 6 p.m., Bruning Opera House, Bruning, bvandewalle2@unl.edu
Mar. 6:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, Harvest Hall Fairgrounds Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Mar. 6:  Pesticide Training, 6:30pm, 4-H Building Fairgrounds York, jrees2@unl.edu 402-362-5508
Mar. 8:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Osceola, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Mar. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Mar. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Hruska Library, David City, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Mar. 16:  Chemigation, 1:30 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds, Hastings, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Mar. 22:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Adams Co. Fairgrounds, Hastings,ron.seymour@unl.edu
Mar. 23:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Apr. 11:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Hruska Library, David City, mrethwisch2@unl.edu

Master Gardener Training:  Tuesday evenings 6-9 p.m. from February 7-March 21 at York and Clay County Extension Offices.  Please RSVP to jrees2@unl.edu or 402-362-5508 for attending in York or Deanna Peshek at 402-762-3644 to attend in Clay.

Farm Finance Clinic Sites and Dates To sign up for a clinic or to get more information, call Michelle at the Nebraska Farm Hotline at 1-800-464-0258.

Chemigation Trainings-including Fertigation:  There’s sometimes confusion regarding the terms ‘fertigation’ and ‘chemigation’.  Those interested in applying fertilizers (fertigation) or any pesticide product through their irrigation systems need a chemigation permit to do so legally.  Your pesticide license does not qualify for this.  Certifications are good for four years.  Applicators have an option to complete an online course and take the exam at a testing location or simply attend a training, and pass the written exam.

The training is for both initial and recertification and there is no charge.  Especially for new applicators, it is recommended to contact the host Extension Office to receive chemigation materials and review them prior to coming to the class. If you need certification for the 2017 crop year, pre-register with the extension educator hosting the session you plan to attend and request the materials.

Nearby locations include:  Central City – Feb. 28, 1:00 PM, Conference Room, Merrick County Fairgrounds; York – Mar. 1, 1:00 PM, 4-H Building, York County Fairgrounds; Columbus-Mar. 1, 1:00 PM, Pinnacle Bank; Bruning-Mar. 6, 1:00 PM, Bruning Opera House; Wilber-Mar. 8, 1:00 PM, First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall; Hastings-Mar. 16, 1:30 PM, Adams Co. Fairgrounds; ARDC near Mead-Mar. 23, 9:00 AM.  To view all the chemigation sites State-wide, please go to the following website:  http://go.unl.edu/f9re.

Beef Profit Tip Workshops:
During the winter of 2017 Nebraska Extension will host Beef Profitability Workshops to help beef producers evaluate their operations to make them more profitable through the latest research information. The combination of low commodity prices and high input costs has left cattle producers struggling to reach breakeven levels.

Potential example topics include:  Harvesting Crop Residues- Does It Affect future crop yields; Balancing the ranch or farm for Protein; Mineral Nutrition; Composting Livestock Mortality Carcasses; Windrow Grazing; Forage Testing and What the Numbers Mean; EPDs and Bull Selection; Economics in the Beef Industry and Beef Outlook; Fencing and Watering Options on Crop Residue; Managing Risk on the Average Sized Cow-Calf Operation; Evaluating and Valuing Cull Beef Cows and their Carcasses; Cow Depreciation – ( 2nd largest cost); Hay and Land Grazing Rental Rates; Global Market Landscape; Livestock Outlook; Grass Production; and Cover Crop Production.

Closest dates/locations include:  Osceola-Feb. 28, 10:00 AM, Polk Co. Fairgrounds, RSVP to (402) 367-7410; Wilber- Mar. 7, 1:00 PM, Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, RSVP to (402) 821-2151; Nelson-March 15, 1:30 PM, Activity Center, RSVP to (402) 225-2381; Hebron-March 16, 1:30 PM, Stastny Center, RSVP to (402) 768-7212.  Please do RSVP for workshop materials and refreshments planning.  Please also ask about workshop fees as they vary due to local sponsorship.

Triumph of Ag Expo Tickets:  Free admission tickets to the Triumph of Ag Expo occurring March 8-9 at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha are available at your local Extension offices if you’re interested in obtaining them.

Soil Health Demonstration Farms: USDA has established a soil health initiative in Nebraska. The Natural Resources Conservation Service is leading a statewide effort to enhance the adoption of soil health management systems through the Soil Health Demonstration Farms Initiative.  The 2017 initiative sign-up will continue to establish demonstration farms across the state to showcase soil health practices and related cropping system comparisons. Landowners interested in applying for funding to establish a soil health demonstration farm should submit their application to NRCS by March 17.

NRCS’ Environmental Quality Incentives Program will be used to fund this initiative. Producers selected will receive this EQIP funding for five years.  For more information please see:  http://www.nebraskafarmer.com/usda/usda-initiatives-funds-statewide-demonstration-farms and https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detailfull/ne/soils/health/?cid=stelprdb1251592.
Sand Pit Lake Workshops:  Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, and Game and Parks again have partnered to offer a series of pond and lake management introductory workshops.  These workshops are free and open to everyone who makes decisions for and about lakes and ponds or anyone who wants to learn more about protecting them.  If you’ve ever had an algae bloom, fish kill, murky water, or just want to know what’s going on in the lake, this workshop is for you.  All 2017 workshops are focused on sandpit lakes.

There is no cost to attend these workshops, but reservations are required. The workshops will be held from 6-8pm as follows:  March 2, 2017 in Grand Island (Nebraska Extension in Hall County at College Park, 3180 W. Highway 34); March 7, 2017 in Weeping Water (Cass County Extension Office, 8400 144th St #100); March 16, 2017 in Columbus (Pinnacle Bank, Village Centre, 210 E. 23rd Street).

Workshop topics include:  Sandpit lake functions, characteristics, and challenges; Managing waters for fisheries; Lake management planning; Resolving common maintenance problems (Algae, leaks, undesirable fish, fish kills, clarity, erosion, nuisance animals); Toxic algae management and sampling; and Invasive species. 

To register go to one of the following registration pages:  Grand Island: http://go.unl.edu/grandislandlake; Weeping Water: http://go.unl.edu/weepingwaterlake; Columbus: http://go.unl.edu/columbuslake.