Home News Business Henderson Child Development Center Q & A

Henderson Child Development Center Q & A


The Henderson Child Development Center will be operating out of Grace Children’s Home Ranch House located at 1416B Birch Street.

Henderson Child Development Center Q & A

Since the initial article about the Henderson Child Development Center (HCDC) opening and hiring a director, the committee has received several questions about this daycare center.  In an effort to remain completely transparent about what the HCDC is and what the committee’s hopes are for this daycare center, the following are answers to common questions asked by the community.

Is the daycare part of a church?
The HCDC is not affiliated, funded or connected to any churches. It is a nonprofit organization under the supervision of a board of six individuals in the community who have a shared interest in wanting to see a community daycare center started for a variety of reasons. 

Are people working at this daycare volunteers?
No, the director and staff working in direct care of the children will be paid positions.  Resumes are currently being collected at the Chamber Office for part-time and full-time staff positions.

What makes this daycare a non-profit organization?
A nonprofit organization has a purpose for something other than making a profit and in most situations is dedicated to furthering a particular social cause. The six individuals serving as board members are volunteers and have no financial stake in the organization. In order to start this daycare it is assumed that the board and hopefully interested community members will volunteer their time and talents in the areas of painting, cleaning, and organizing supplies to prepare for the day the daycare opens.   

I want to donate items or volunteer to help get the daycare started.  Who do I contact?
The easiest way to get involved is to talk to one of the board members at the HCDC booth at the Henderson Home Show this weekend. They will have information about work days, happening March 10 & 11, at the daycare, donation drop-off day, March 12, at the daycare and a list of items that will be needed to start the daycare, some of which can be purchased at the Home Show Saturday. Other questions can be directed to the Chamber Office at 402-723-4228.    

How can I make a monetary donation to the daycare?
The Henderson Community Foundation will be hosting a pancake feed on Saturday, February 25, from 7:30 a.m.–9 a.m. in the school cafeteria with the money raised going to the HCDC. You can also make tax-free donations through the Henderson Community Foundation by writing HCDC in the memo of your check and mailing it to Henderson Community Foundation, PO Box 116, Henderson NE 68371. A goal of $5,000 has been set to be raised by the Foundation before the daycare is open to purchase equipment, train staff and prepare the house for children.

Will the daycare be licensed?
Yes, the HCDC will be licensed as a Home II Daycare. In the future, the goal is to move to a larger facility and become a licensed daycare center.

When will the daycare open?
Unfortunately, due the unknown requirements that will arise through the licensing process and exact opening date has not been set. However, with the hiring of a director and staff the board is committed to moving this process along as quickly as possible.   

Who can apply to bring their children to this daycare?
The HCDC will be able to accept children 6 weeks old through age 12; however, licensing restrictions will dictate the number of babies (under 24 months) that can be under the care of two adults, so everyone who applies may not be accepted. In order to remain fair in the acceptance process the board will use a scorecard with the following areas of consideration; amount of care needed, number of children in the family, number of years needing daycare in the future, ability to pay with weekly automatic withdrawal and the order in which the applications are received. 

What will be the hours of the daycare?
The HCDC will be open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and will be closed in observance of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

What will you charge for child care?
HCDC will charge the following weekly rates: Monday through Friday – $140; Monday, Wednesday, Friday – $90; Tuesday, Thursday – $60.  At this time no part-time, drop-in or after school rates will be offered unless the daycare does not reach capacity. 

How do I register my child?
The HCDC booth at the Henderson Home Show on Saturday, February 25, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. will be the first opportunity to pick up an application form which can be turned in at City Hall the following week. As of February 27, application forms will be available at Henderson City Hall.Â