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Stay Up-to-Date with Henderson Events and News from the Chamber


Do you have a hard time knowing what is happening in Henderson? Are you confused about where to look for news and information because there are so many places on the internet or in different newspapers that you have to check to stay up-to-date with what is happening? Do you miss events because you didn’t know it was happening? What if all of the information you need to know came to you once a week on your smartphone, tablet or computer?

The Henderson Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that they are starting a weekly email called “Hey Hende” that will be sent to your inbox each Tuesday with news and events happening in Henderson. Our hope is not to fill your inbox with junk, which is why you will only receive one email a week unless there is a serious emergency that makes it necessary for additional emails to be sent. To sign up for Hey Hende emails, visit HendersonNE.com and click the #HEYHENDE tab or email hchamber@mainstaycomm.net.

If you have news and events that you want promoted and you are a chamber member you can submit your information by visiting www.HendersonNE.com and clicking the #HEYHENDE tab where you will find a form for Hende News and Hende Events.  You can also email posters and information to hchamber@mainstaycomm.net. All submissions must be made by Monday at noon in order to be in the email the following day.  Events that are submitted will also be posted on the Henderson Community Calendar found at www.HendersonNE.com and www.CityofHenderson.org. 

The Henderson Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization made possible by its membership of businesses and organizations. With memberships ranging from corporate to nonprofit and individuals, there is a membership level for everyone. Help us as we work to build the future of Henderson though business and organization promotion and community improvements.  Â