Home School Heartland Beat Student of the Month – April 2016

Heartland Beat Student of the Month – April 2016


Written by Shannon Siebert

Junior Mark Perez was nominated as the Heartland Beat Student FullSizeRenderof the Month by Heartland School Counselor Linda Koehler. “I nominated Mark because he has recently been selected to attend Boys State in Lincoln this summer. He didn’t know much about Boys State, and I think he had to step outside his comfort zone a bit, but I’m proud that he was willing to do that, and I know that he will meet many new people and have fantastic experiences at Boys State,” said Koehler.

His passion is music, and he loves playing the trumpet. “When I first started the trumpet, it didn’t go so well, and I really struggled. It wasn’t until the 8th grade when I made first chair at the Meridian junior high band event that I realized how much I liked playing,” said Perez. He credits Heartland band instructor Royce Schweitzer for teaching him how to play and encouraging him to work hard. 

This year will be his fourth summer that he will participate in the University of Nebraska’s Marching Band Camp. For five days in Lincoln, he joins others enrolled in the camp playing and marching. Their final exhibition is at the awe inspiring Memorial Stadium and a really fun experience according to Perez. His band camp experience has helped him decide that he wants to attend UNL and try out for the marching band. 

He also will be playing a part in the upcoming school play, Larceny and Old Lace.  “I play a kind of evil sidekick but I have a smiling problem so I’m working on looking more menacing,” said a smiling Perez. He’s no stranger to drama since he was in the musical last year and participates in One Act plays as well. 

Other extra-curricular activities for Perez are FBLA, Track, and Choir. He’s active at his church where he helps with the junior high youth group and in the summers he helps his dad with the family tree trimming business. His success and passion for playing the trumpet has inspired his family with so far three of his younger siblings choosing to play band instruments.   

Congratulations to Mark Perez for being chosen as this month’s Heartland Beat Student of the Month!Â