Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [September 3, 2015]


Coming Events

Aug. 28 – Sept. 7, Nebraska State Fair http://www.statefair.org/

Sept. 14, 15, 21 & 22 Bow Hunter Education, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., 4-H Building, York

Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, Solar Design and Installation Hands-On Workshop, Lincoln

Sept. 28, 29, Oct. 5 & 6, Firearm Hunter Education, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., 4-H Building, York

Sept. 29, Extension Board Exec. Meeting, 8:00 p.m. Extension Office, York

Archery & Hunter Education Classes Planned

It’s that time of year again! Dan Barrett, stopped by and wanted me to share that he has scheduled sessions for Archery Safety Education and Hunter Safety Education Training.  He will be conducting these classes in the 4-H Building here in York located at 2400 Nebraska Avenue. Archery Education classes will be held from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. on September 14, 15, 21 & 22. The Hunter Education Classes will be held the same time on September 28, 29, & Oct. 5 & 6.   

These classes are designed for youth 12 years old and above. Ten hours of training is required. To register, go to huntsafenebraska.org and click on the appropriate link. For more information call Dan Barrett at 402-366-4380.

Nebraska Corn Board Research Committee Survey

The Nebraska Corn Board’s research committee has put together a survey to gauge what research issues are most important to Nebraska’s farmers to help direct the Nebraska Corn Board research efforts. The survey is for producers, crop consultants, and University Educators/Researchers, and will close September 30th.

The link is:


The link is also posted on the NE Corn Grower Webpage at a much shorter web address: http://necga.org/

It’s a short survey with a scale of 1-10.

Topics include:

Weed and insect resistance


Input use efficiency

Soil health

Sustainable production practices

Pollinator health

Consumer resistance to genetic modification

Increasing demand for Nebraska corn – new uses

Corn use in livestock production

I hope you’ll take time to complete the survey so that your major issues will be addressed.

Solar Design and Installation Hands-On Workshop

I mentioned it last week, but thought I’d mention it again. A week long hands-on solar design and installation workshop will be held September 28 to Oct 2nd. About half the time will be classroom sessions and half on site construction. 

Topics will include: 

· Introduction to Solar PV electronics and components

· Basics of electricity, measuring, tools and safety

· Solar siting – where to locate the panels, sun angles

· Capabilities and limitations of solar PV

· Electrical codes, state and federal policy, tax credits and economics

· Building a rack

· Attaching inverters and other components

· Grounding and other wiring

· Solar modules

· Wire management and final appearance

· Working with your utility and electrical inspection

Instructors will be John Hay – Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Jon Dixon – Dixon Power Systems.

For more information: http://york.unl.edu/crops-future and click on the appropriate link.

Cropping Update

How are your corn and soybean crops doing?  Too bad we missed out in the significant rainfall events last week, but my ETgages only dropped about .95” for the week.  If your corn is fully dented, the crop coefficient of is .96, if not it remains 1.1 so water use for the most mature corn was .91” for the week or .13”/day.  For the later maturing crops the water use was 1.05” for the week or .15”/day.  Looks like its going to warm up this week, so our ET will go up some, but we do also have a few chances for rainfall.  For the latest crop water use or ET go to:  https://nawmn.unl.edu/ and click on view weekly ET data.

As I’ve mentioned previously, now is a really important time to monitor soil moisture and crop stages so that we dry down the soil moisture at the end of the season, but at the same time don’t short our crops.  I’ve heard many of our producers using our tool indicate that it’s harder to not irrigate than to irrigate.  Feel free to call or email me if you have any questions.    

4-H at the Nebraska State Fair App

I’m sure many of you have already visited the 2015 Nebraska State Fair and many more will this weekend!  Experience 4-H at the 2015 Nebraska State Fair from wherever you might be! Download the 4-H at the Nebraska State Fair App for your iPad/iPhone or Android mobile device.

With this app, you can…

•view the schedule and favorite the events you don’t want to miss

•check out all the results by project type, name, city, or even county

•view photos and videos

•keep updated on the latest happenings

•find your way with the fair maps

•snap a photo souvenir and dress it up with 4-H gear and other fun accessories (iPad only)

When visiting the 4-H Exhibit Hall at the Nebraska State Fair, be sure to check out the Seek and Scan game on the 4-H at the Nebraska State Fair App. Use your mobile device to scan the QR codes scattered throughout the building and see a video of the 4-H’er who completed the project, sharing what they learned!

For more info or to down load the app goto:  http://4h.unl.edu/featureprograms#GoMobileatStateFair

Also be sure to check out the Raising Nebraska Building, you’ll learn a lot about Nebraska Agriculture! Hope to see you at the fair!

Yard & Garden

How is your garden doing? I’m mostly in the harvest mode, but may still try and plant a little spinach. Unless we have a long warm fall that’s about the only crop we could still plant and hope to be able to harvest some? 

I’ve had a season long battle with Mr. or Mrs. Cottontail this spring and summer. If it was not for Kitti Nienhueser, I would not have had any green beans this season.  I want to thank her for sharing some, they were great! My first two, three or four plantings have been eaten all spring/summer by you guess who. I went to the work of put up a fence around the garden and the bunnies found ways threw, under or over and continued getting into the garden. I’m the only one that has been tripped up by a few time by the fence. I did not want to give up, so I planted a fall crop in late July or early August assuming I’d probably just continue to feed the rabbits, but so far the rabbits have not eaten them YET??? I just checked and will be able to actual harvested nice batch this evening! Hopefully it will be enough for a few meals?

I’m not sure why they liked my green beans so much? I know of a garden not far away that’s right on the curb with no fence and the rabbits have left it completely alone? I need find out their secret? I guess maybe they were just testing me?