Home Events 36th Annual Nebraska MCC Relief Sale this Weekend

36th Annual Nebraska MCC Relief Sale this Weekend


This weekend, March 27 and 28 is the 2015 Nebraska MCC Relief Sale. The theme this year is “Growing Together in Christ” and marks 36 years of the sale. It will be held at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds in Aurora.

Each year in Canada and the United States, thousands of volunteers come together to raise money for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) for the relief of suffering in the world. Annually over $5 million is raised at these events with an average of 85% sent to the field to help those in need.

Here is the schedule for this year’s sale:


To find out more about Mennonite Central Committee visit the MCC website at: http://mcc.org/

For information on this year’s sale go to: http://www.nebraskamccsale.org/