Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [March 20, 2014]


Coming Events

  • March 20, 2014 – Farm & Ranchers College Ag Water Update, 10:00 a.m., Fillmore Co. Fairgrounds, Geneva
  • March 20, 2014 – Chemigation Training, 1:00 p.m., Hall County Extension Office, Grand Island
  • March 21, 2014 – Chemigation Training, 1:00 p.m., York 4-H Building
  • March 22, 2014 — Small Spaces, Big Potential: Small Scale Farming Workshop, 8:00 a.m., Kimmel Education & Research Center, Nebraska City
  • April 4, 2014 – Ag After Hours, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., Cornerstone Event Center, York Fairgrounds

On-Farm Research Update Meetings
We had a great On-Farm Research Update meeting last Monday and Tuesday March 10 & 11. The producers and educators involved shared some very interesting results. They will eventually be posted on the CropWatch website, so be sure and check it out. Just go to: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch. I  hope several area producers will considering conducting one or two on-farm research studies this season. A great quote I heard this past winter is “If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it”.  Give me a call at 402-326-8185 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu if you’d like to be involved or I can help you make plans for your on-farm research study.

Lawn & Garden
Our weather continues to be our typical not so typical. We’ve had days we thing spring is here and then days with highs in the 30s this past couple of weeks. Soil temperatures at the 4” depth have averaged about 35° F this past week which is cooler than normal.  I know that there has been concern winter kill of turf since it’s not greening up as some years. I’ve done some looking and in areas on the South, were starting to see some green, so hopefully most of the turf will survive.

We’ve had three Turf iNfo updates this past week which are posted at: http://turf.unl.edu/.

Topics have included:

  • Apply glyphosate now to buffalograss to control weeds
  • Hold off on preemergence herbicides for crabgrass until after green-up
  • Hold off on aggressive maintenance until turf greens up more

I was out doing a little raking and mowing to pick up leaves and sticks but did not mow my entire lawn. Hopefully next week. I visited with our turf specialist and he suggested we not be too aggressive with this year maintenance of turf until it greens up more.

Now is a good time to purchase that fertilizer and pre emergence herbicide, but the best place for them is in the bag for now!

I hope you’ll checking out all the information at: http://turf.unl.edu/.

Finally one warm day last week, I was thinking it’s time to begin planning for getting the vegetable garden planned.  If you’re new to the area or want a reminder of what needs to be planned when, you may want to check out the “York County Home Vegetable Planting Reference” that is posted on our website at:  http://york.unl.edu/water-environment.  Just click on the appropriate link.

Some of the earliest crops to plant in our area are spinach, radishes, onions, and lettuce.  Typically we can plant them the last week of March or so!  I guess that’s not too far away.  For all the latest horticultural information go to:  http://environment.unl.edu/.  This site has Horticulture Updates, Back Yard Farmer, Turf Science and Acreage Insights.  It’s loaded with lots of great information.

Community Garden Plots Available
Last week I mentioned it, but want to mention it again.  I’ve been working with one of our committees at the First Presbyterian Church located at 414 N Delaware Ave and we will have some small gardening plots available on a first come first serve basis.  If you are interested in one of the plots, contact Donna Ehlers at 402-362-1755 or me at 402-326-8185.  We’ll then get you an application forms and more details.  The plots are 8’ x 4’ raised beds.

Chemigation Certification Meetings Planned
Just a reminder, I’ve got a couple of Chemigation session so far this winter and have one more Private Applicator session planned for this Thursday at 1:30 p.m. and Chemigation sessions planned for March 20 in Grand Island and March 21 here in York.  If you need either of these certifications, I hope you have them on your calendar.

Farmers & Ranchers College Agricultural Water Update
Just a reminder, that on March 20 at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds will be an Ag Water Update. Suat Irmak, our irrigation specialist that started the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network, will share some of his research findings and provide updates on new research he’s conducted and answer other questions on the future of irrigation technologies.

I’ll share an update about the NAWMN, how it’s grown, and the tools involved.  David Aiken will provide updates on water policy across the state and issues producers need to be concerned for the future. Brad Lubben, will provide a farm bill update via Connect and representatives from the Upper Big Blue and Little Blue Natural Resource Districts will provide an update on irrigation regulations and other policies. Ryne Norton from Farm Service Agency will provide a brief update as well.

It should be a good program, so if you’re interested in irrigation management, plan to attend. Registration starts at 9:45 a.m. and the program will run from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Some irrigation booth vendors will also be available to browse and look at their products. Please call the Fillmore Extension Office ASAP to register at 402-759-3712.

Broadband Technology Fairs Planned
The Power of Business – WHAT’S NEXT is the theme of the upcoming series of Broadband Technology Fairs.  The events, set for sites across Nebraska, will highlight the Power of Business – and how broadband technology can help you be more efficient and successful.

Each Technology Fair will offer hands-on presentations on broadband technology tools and techniques with experts from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and the Nebraska Public Service Commission.  Topics will feature:

•           Remote video for security and monitoring
•           Cloud technology,
•           Information security
•           Mobile technology
•           Cool Tools

Attendance is free and open to all.  Those in our area include:

Seward: March 26, Seward County Fairgrounds, 9:00 a.m. – noon

Grand Island: March 27, College Park Extension, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

These events are part of the Nebraska Broadband Initiative. This Broadband Mapping and Planning Initiative is funded through a grant to the Nebraska Public Service Commission by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration and aims to increase broadband adoption and use. Project partners include the University of Nebraska, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, Nebraska Information Technology Commission, Nebraska Public Service Commission, and the AIM Institute.

For more information, check http://broadband.nebraska.gov.

12:30 a.m. — Lunch – Starting a Business, Are You Ready? Jessica G. Jones, UNL Extension Educator
1:15 p.m. — Break Out Session 2
Growing Cut Flowers – Charuth Loth, Shadow Brook Farm
Pasture Poultry (layers & broilers) – Dan Hromas, Prairie Pride Poultry & Dave Welsch, West Blue Farm
3:00 p.m. — Break Out Session 3
Growing Small Fruits – Vaughn Hammond, UNL Extension Educator
Raising Sheep & Marketing Wool Products – Rhonda McClure, Ewe and Us

You can also check out a promotional piece at: http://york.unl.edu/crops-future.  Just click on the appropriate link.