Home Events Community Women’s Bible Study Starting this Fall

Community Women’s Bible Study Starting this Fall


nehemiahA Community Women’s Bible Study is starting September 11, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the MB Church Conference Room. The study is by Kelly Minter based on the book of Nehemiah. “Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break” is a 7-session Bible study for women.

Nehemiah’s heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. Like Kelly’s other studies in the Living Room Series, you’ll find authentic Bible teaching, recipes, and a relational approach.

Nehemiah also includes 7 video sessions and real-life ways to put feet to your faith. Are you ready to let God break your heart for a hurting, lost world and move you in compassion to be the hands and feet of Jesus?

Childcare is provided! Please let us know if you need childcare and if you plan to attend. Thank you!

Sarah Goertzen: jarsaraaron@yahoo.com or 402-723-5443
Christine Quiring: ccquiring@gmail.com or 402-366-5906