Home Faith CrossConnectEdx.com: Online Christian Education

CrossConnectEdx.com: Online Christian Education



Maybe you’ve always wanted to dig into the book of Exodus and explore the journey God took the Israelites on. Possibly you are having trouble with your children and want to learn what godly parenting looks like. Have you ever wondered what to make of texts such as Romans 9? Or maybe you’ve pondered how your personality affects your spiritual life.

Topics such as these are what you will find on CrossConnectEdx.com, an online Christian learning community committed to increasing the availability and flexibility of adult Christian learning by offering a variety of LIVE Christian education courses to take from a skilled instructor.  Local residents Jon Ruybalid and Taylor Siebert started the website along with Paradigm Shift Interactive who helped design and develop the site.

On the website under the “Classes” tab, you can find all the pertinent information about the current classes offered as well as the course instructor. After signing up for the class that interests you, you will meet online at your set class time with your instructor and fellow class members. Most classes meet once a week for six weeks. This virtual classroom gives people from all across the world the opportunity to connect and study God’s word together from a knowledgeable and trusted teacher.

CrossConnectEdx is your opportunity for next generation adult Christian education, so go explore your options today!

For more information, visit: www.crossconnectedx.com.