Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [November 1, 2012]


Coming Events

  • Nov. 1 – NRD Public Hearing on Proposed Changes to Rule No. 5 Ground Water Management Plan, 1:30 p.m., York City Auditorium, for information, go to: http://www.upperbigblue.org/
  • Nov. 1 – Ag at the Crossroad Conference, 9:00 a.m. Lancaster Event Center, Lincoln, Call Toll Free to 800-535-3456 to register by October 29th
  • Nov. 13 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Legion Hall, Fairmont, Call 402-759-3712 to register
  • Nov. 15 – York County Corn Grower Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Chances R, York
  • Nov. 15 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Fairgrounds, Hastings, Call 308-461-7209 to register
  • Nov. 15 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 5:30 – 9 p.m., Extension Office/College Park, Grand Island, Call 308-385-5088 to register
  • Nov. 26 – Extension Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Extension Office, York

York County Corn Grower Banquet Planned

I’d like to encourage all area corn growers to mark November 15 on their calendar and plan to apply attend the Annual York County Corn Grower Banquet planned for Thursday evening, November 15.  It will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Chances R.  Tickets can be purchased from any of the York County Corn Grower Board of Directors, including President Ron Makovicka, Tom Ritzdorf, Ryan Wiens, Dennis Scamehorn, Dan Stork, Gale Gruber, Dave Dickerson, Dale Moore, Clark Pickrel, Rick Gruber, Boyd Stuhr, Jr., Bryan Mason and Kim Sheperd.  I also have tickets for sale here at the Extension Office.  We’ll have a great meal as well as a great LEAD presentation by Jason Perdue.

Give me a call at 402-362-5508 to reserve your tickets!

Cropping Update
What a great weekend weather-wise. I hope you had a chance to enjoy it a little brisk, but that’s fall in Nebraska!  Last week I visited a little about soil testing and fertilizer recommendations and the importance of knowing your soil organic matter.  Each 1% of organic matter is like 30 or so pounds of free nitrogen.  Also, those legume credits following soybeans are also important!  We typically adjust the nitrogen application rate down by 45-50 pounds following soybeans.

If you have collected soil samples, you can go the following link: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/soils/home/. You can go to our Soil Test Nebraska website to calculate fertilizer recommendations based on your soil test results.  I also have several nitrogen rate calculators for corn that are the slide rule type!  What you need to use this calculator or slide rule is your expected yield goal, soil organic matter, soil nitrate level as well as your nitrogen price and expected corn price.  Stop by if you’d like one of these nitrogen rate calculators.  They were produced with support from the Nebraska Corn Board.  With today’s prices of N as well as corn prices, it’s important to fine tune your nitrogen rates!

Now that harvest is completed, I know several producers are waiting for November 1 to apply anhydrous ammonia to fields that have been accurately soil sampled and tested!  Timing is important when applying nitrogen; ideally it’s best to apply the nitrogen near the time the crop will be using it, and thus, split applications are often are the best!  You just don’t want to apply it all in the fall; plan to sidedress or chemigate some on.  I know that often conditions are not always ideal in the spring or you do not have enough time, so I understand why some producers are making the applications in the fall.  I also know that if we don’t get excessive rains, we won’t move the nitrogen that’s been applied, but I also know that we’re all hoping for above normal precipitation this fall, winter, and spring.

So if you are applying anhydrous ammonia this fall, remember the Upper Big Blue NRD guidelines of not applying prior to November 1.  Monday morning I checked the CropWatch website and soil temperatures averaged 49.8° F this past week which is slightly below normal, but I’m sure it will warm up some with the predicted temperatures of highs in the 50’s to near 70 for the upcoming week!  Check out the latest soil temperatures at: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/cropwatch/cropwatchsoiltemperature.

We’re always looking for producers interested in conducting On-Farm Research.  If you you’re planning to make fall anhydrous ammonia applications and would consider doing a timing study comparing fall vs spring or sidedress, just give me a call at 402-362-5508 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu.  I would be glad to work with you.

Landlord/Tenant Workshops:  Last winter, we hosted one of the Landlord/Tenant Workshops and this year several more are planned with updated information.  Developing farm cash leases that meet the needs of both landlord and tenant is the goal of these workshops.  Both tenants and the landlord are encouraged to attend!

Topics include:  Expectations from the lease, including goal setting for the rental property; Lease communication, determining appropriate information sharing for both the tenant and landlord; Tips for farm leases that include relatives; Alternative cash lease arrangements, flexible provision considerations for your situation; How the 2012 drought affects leases, irrigation systems, grain bin rental, and other topics related to leases will be discussed as time allows.

These free workshops are sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board and the North Central Risk Management Agency.  A meal and handouts are included. Participation is limited. To register, contact the local UNL Extension office hosting the workshop.  Check out my list of coming events for meeting dates/locations in Fremont, Hastings, and Grand Island.  One additional meeting in our area is planned for Dec. 13 in Osceola on the fairgrounds!

Returning to the Farm Workshop Planned
Our UNL Agricultural Economic Department is conducting “Returning to the Farm Workshops” designed for farm families transitioning their operation.  The sessions will be held Friday, Dec. 7 from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 8 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 11 from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m., and Saturday, Jan. 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Lincoln at the Holiday Inn Downtown.

The cost of the conference is $350 for the first 4 family members, plus $40 for each family member after the first 4. This fee covers instruction, handout materials, meeting room costs, refreshment breaks, Saturday continental breakfast, and most meals.  The registration deadline is November 30, 2012, and it’s limited to the first 15 families with paid registrations.