Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [October 4, 2012]


Coming Events

Cropping Update
Well, maybe we will start to get some moisture?  It was a pleasant surprise to see a few sprinkles Monday morning as I’m preparing this column.  I don’t think we’ll get much, but some is better than none!

We did get the RoundUp Ready Soybean Plot out and it averaged 83 bu/acre which is really great!  I hope to have it posted on our website at: http://york.unl.edu/web/york/plotresults or you can stop by to pick up a copy of the results!  Hopefully if things go well, we will harvest the York County Corn Grower Plot this week also!

Last week I mentioned our new website that UNL had developed related to drought information and questions.  That address is: http://droughtresources.unl.edu.  Hopefully it will be updated with the latest information for homeowners, crops producers as well as livestock producers.

As I mentioned last week if you have extra corn residue, I hope you’ll consider leasing your stalks or baling them to producers in need of forage for their livestock!  Check out the Hay and Forage Hotline on the web at: http://www.agr.ne.gov/hayhot/hayhotline.html or call 800-422-6692.  The hotline lists hay and forage including cornstalks that is available via sale or donation.

Finally, just a reminder that today, October 2nd  at 12:30 p.m. we’ll have a webinar about grazing corn stalks.  That address is: http://beef.unl.edu/web/beef/cornstalkgrazingvalue.   It will be archived, so if you can’t watch it live, you can view it at a later time at http://beef.unl.edu/web/beef/beefwebinars.

Also, check out CropWatch,  Roger Wilson has prepared an article on renting corn stalks that include a check list for first time renters that Rick Rasby, UNL Extension Beef specialist has prepared.  That website link is: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/cropwatch/archive?articleID=5001595 or simply go to http://cropwatch.unl.edu/ and click on the appropriate link!

Lawn and Garden
I continue to receive a few calls about seeding or overseeding turf and is it ok to still do it.

We are really at the end of the time for fall seeding and our turf specialists just posted four articles today!  The new topics include:

  • Late seeding and winterkill risk
  • Research summary: Late summer vs late fall vs dormant vs spring seeding
  • UNL Research Update: Dormant vs May seedings and post-seeding herbicide use

The final topic was an on line survey to help improve the TurfiNfo.  I hope you’ll visit the website and take the survey.  It’s relatively short and easy to do.  That address is: http://turf.unl.edu/.

Robotics Team Being Organized      
We just received our field setup kit and will be organizing our 4-H Robotics Team for the coming year.  This season’s theme is “Senior Solutions”, so the teams will be working on things to improve the lives of our older generation!

The competition will consist of many tasks including moving a chair, service animals, bowling, cardiovascular exercise, strength exercise, a stove, video calls, medicine, balance, quilting, gardening, similar recognition and much more.  It should be a fun project.

If you know of potentially interested youth or would be interested in assisting with our club, give me a call at 402-362-5508 or emailing me a gary.zoubek@unl.edu.