Home News Agriculture Farmers Ask for Certainty

Farmers Ask for Certainty [EDITORIAL]

Curt Friesen

In any business some level of certainty is always beneficial.  That certainty provides a basis to make short term and long term plans, assess investments into the business or needed changes to an operation.  My farming operation is no different!  The farm bill sets farm policy for the next five years so it is extremely important to you and me to know what that policy will be.

This year has given us plenty of uncertainty due to a drought that has plagued the nation and the implications can be seen across many facets of agriculture.  But as a farmer one certainty that I am asking for is a Farm Bill.  Whether you are a food producer or food consumer, you should be asking for the same and I ask that you pass along your message that we want a Farm Bill Now!

The current Farm Bill is set to expire this year and collectively Congress has yet to pass a Farm Bill although a version has been passed by the Senate, a version has yet to be passed by the House.  I and other producers need the certainty that a Farm Bill provides as we begin to make decisions for next year, decisions that include thousands of dollars in seed, chemical, fertilizer and other inputs.

As a food consumer or a food producer, you have a voice and now is the time to send a message to those that represent you—that we need the certainty that a Farm Bill can provide and we need it now.

In closing, time is running out for action.  Congress will only be in session a few days in September and then the “lame duck session” following the November elections.  So I ask that you visit with your Senator or Congressman, thank them for their past work and ask them to press for passage of a Farm Bill.  You can also go to www.farmbillnow.com and send a message via Twitter or Facebook or simply sign a petition.

Your story about the certainty that a Farm Bill would provide your operation is a powerful message, and one that I ask you share with your Representative or Senator.

Curt Friesen
District 3 Director
Nebraska Corn Board