Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek [April 5, 2012]


Coming Events

April 4, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Chemigation Training, 4-H Building, York

April 16, 8:30 p.m. – Extension Board Exec Meeting, Extension Office, York


Nebraska Weather

Monday morning I went to our CropWatch website to check soil temperatures and here in York they averaged 57.9 F!  That’s 15.6 F above our normal average which is 42.3 F.  I also check the soil temperatures at 8:00 a.m. in turf in town here at the Extension office and it was 61 F which is what you’d expect, typically it’s a little warmer in town with the protection and cement.

Each month I also record the historic precipitation and for the month we’ve received 1 inch or slightly less than our average of 1.54 to 1.66” for March.  For the year we’re at 3.10” but not far off of our long term averages of 3.15 to 3.34”.  Typically in April we receive 2.65”.

I also checked the Watermark sensors that I’ve placed in a dryland corn and soybean field and they’ve not changed much.  The corn is about .75” short of being completely fully while the soybean field was 1.2” short.  Hopefully we’ll get a little more rain the next week or two prior to planting so that we’ll have a full profile again.

Speaking of irrigation equipment, we just prepared an article for this week’s edition of CropWatch.  We visit about ETgages and Watermark sensors. I hope you’ll take a little time to check it out at: http://CropWatch.unl.edu.  Other timely information at the CropWatch site includes updated soil temperatures and an article by Charles Wortmann, Extension Agronomist, indicating that except for iron and zinc, application of most micronutrients often are not warranted in Nebraska.


Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

I and several other area Extension Educators have been involved with on-farm research for several years.  I’ve shared many of our Quad County On-farm Research results at meetings, in my columns and on the web.  These results are also posted on the CropWatch Website:  http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/farmresearch/home.

This year we’ve combined efforts across Nebraska and are working to investigate topics in three general areas:

1)  Irrigation – water application management in corn production

2)  Nitrogen management in corn production – both irrigated and dryland

3)  Corn population study in irrigated and dryland

If you’d be interested in any of these topics, give me at call at: 402-362-5508 or email me at: gzoubek1@unl.edu or contact Keith Glewen, Extension Educator at: 402-624-8030 or email him at:  kglewen1@unl.edu.

We look forward to working with you to help answer production questions producer across Nebraska have.


Chemigation Training and Certification Class Planned

I have my second chemigation training session planned for Wednesday April 4, at 1:00 p.m. in the 4-H Building here in York.

Participants will be provided a manual and calibration workbook the day of the training, but it this will be your first time, you may want to stop by our office to obtain a copy of the materials so that you can review them prior to attending the training session.  The training/testing will take approximately 3 to 4 hours.

On the day of training please bring your Chemigation Training Manual, Calibration Workbook, and a calculator. There is no charge for the manuals or training. Advanced registration is not required.


LEAD 32 Application Deadline is June 15

As the number of individuals involved in agriculture continues to decrease, the need for highly trained, effective and articulate spokespersons and leaders in the agricultural industry becomes even more critical.

As Terry Hejny, LEAD Program director said,  “Often people wait until their lives appear to slow down before contact them about LEAD, but waiting sometimes means the no longer fall into our preferred range of 25-55 years of age!  In other words now is the time to complete an application.

Nebraska LEAD (Leadership Education/Action Development) applications are now available for men and women involved in production agriculture or agribusiness and are due on June 15.  If you are passionate about our industry I’d encourage you to apply.

The program will include monthly three-day seminars throughout Nebraska from mid-September through early April each year, LEAD Fellows also participate in a 10-day National Study/Travel Seminar to Kansas City, Washington, D.C. and Chicago during the first year, and a two week International Study/Travel Seminar during the second year.

Seminar themes include leadership assessment and potential, natural resources and energy, agricultural policy, leadership through communication, our political process, global perspectives, nuclear energy, social issues, understanding and developing leadership skills, agribusiness and marketing, advances in health care, and the resources and people of Nebraska’s Panhandle.

Applications are due no later than June 15 and are available via e-mail from the Nebraska LEAD Program. Application materials can be requested by contacting Shana at sgerdes2@unl.edu, by calling (402) 472-6810.  For more info about the program visit: http://lead.unl.edu/..


Spring Affair

It felt like summer over the weekend, but I’m sure things will change before summer officially arrives.  If I’d have to guess, I’d say it’s going to be a cooler summer, but that is all it would be is a guess!  I just wanted to pass along the dates for this year’s Spring Affair.  It will be held Saturday April 28th at the Lancaster Event Center (Pavilion I).  Info about this years event can be found at http://springaffair.unl.edu.


Plant talk schedule includes:

10:30 a.m. – “All hands at Sunken Gardens”

12:00 a.m. – “All Hands on Pots — Container Combinations”

1:30 p.m. – “Wall Art and Fairy Gardens”


“Talk-Abouts”, 20-minute presentation held among the plant tables

10:00 a.m. – Wet Hands – Water pants

10:30 a.m. – Hands on Woodies

11:00 a.m. – Hands on Compost

11:30 a.m. – Pettable Plants

12:30 p.m. – Hands on Herbs – Harvesting and Using

1:00 p.m. – tiny Hands on Tiny Plants


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