Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek [February 23, 2012]


Coming Events

Feb. 21, 6:30 p.m. – MG Horticulture Connect Training, Extension Office, York, Topic: Plant I.D. and Plant Diagnostics – Kelly Feehan and Natalia Bjorklund, Extension Educators

Feb. 27, 1:00 p.m. – Quad County On-Farm Research Planning Meeting – 4-H Building, York

Feb. 28, 6:30 p.m. – MG Horticulture Connect Training, Extension Office, York, Topic: Tree Problems: Environmental and Pests – Graham Herbst, Community Forest Specialist

Feb. 29, 10:00 a.m. – Cornhusker Economics and Outlook Conference – Fairgrounds, Clay Center

March 6, 6:30 p.m. – MG Horticulture Connect Training, Extension Office, York, Topic: Herbaceous Perennial Management –Kim Todd, Landscape Design Professor

March 7, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Chemigation Training, 4-H Building, York

March 13, 6:30 p.m. – MG Horticulture Connect Training, Extension Office, York, Topic: Soils and Soil Management Brad Jakubowski, Landscape Environmental and Earth Sciences, Doane College

March 13, 6:30 p.m. – Private Pesticide Applicator Training – 4-H Building, York

March 14, 9:00 a.m. – Crop Scout Training – ARDC, near Mead, http://ardc.unl.edu/training.shtml

March 20, 6:30 p.m. – MG Horticulture Connect Training, Extension Office, York, Topic: March 20 – Weed Management Lowell Sandell, Extension Educator

March 21, 6:30 p.m. – Landowner/Tenant Lease Workshop, 4-H Building, York

April 4, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Chemigation Training, 4-H Building, York

4-H Is Gearing Up!

Boy do we have a lot happing in the 4-H program the past few days!  If you want to learn more about the 4-H Program contact our office at 402-362-5508 or visit our webpage at: http://york.unl.edu.

4-H FIRST LEGO League Nebraska Championship

I’d like to congratulate the members and leaders of the two York Robotics teams for representing York County and the 4-H program well at the FIRST LEGO League Nebraska Championship this past Saturday at the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland.  The two teams qualified for the event January 7th in Kearney and were two of 48 teams competing this last Saturday!

The tournaments provided an opportunity for our youth to show off their science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills in a fun, sports-like environment. Teams participate in Robot Game, Robot Design, Project, and Teamwork competitions.  The two team’s projects were about Escherichia coli and salmonella both of which they learned a lot by doing research and visiting with professionals in the area.

Team members of the two teams are: Red Team – Mitchell Heine, Clare Wilton, Christopher Gillespie, Thomas Harrington-Newton, Max Kohmetscher, Matt Pedersen and Matthew Onnen.

Green Team – Jason Gloystein, Sam Kohmetscher, Justin Heine, Reggie Rafert, Camden Wallingford, Randy Rafert.  Coaches are Karl & Nancy Heine, James Carpenter, Sam Wilton, George Gillespie and me along with help from several moms and dads.

The teams did a great job and represented us well!

4-H Rocket Club Being Organized

Are you interested in learning about rockets or how they fly, or how about building and launching one?  If the answer is yes contact our office at 402-362-5508 or email me at gzoubek1@unl.edu.  Jerry Stahr and his son Brian along with some 4-H dads are getting there rocket club started and had an initial meeting this past Sunday.  It’s now just getting started, so if you’re interested, you can also contact Jerry at 402-362-2574.  It should really be a lot of fun!

4-H Diggers Club Organizing

Stephanie Blum, Joan Strong and I met yesterday to start organizing our 4-H Club that will focus on the horticulture project.  It’s being called the Diggers 4-H Club.  Cost to join will only be $10.00 if enrolled in another York County 4-H Club and $15.00 if the Diggers is your only 4-H Club.

The Diggers 4-H club is being designed for young people ages 5, but youth will need to be 10-18 to participate in the Nebraska State Fair Horticulture Judging and ID contest.  Current plans are to meet on April 25th, May 9th, June 6th, July 11th and August 8th .  Several other meetings will be planned to practice of the State Judging Contest.

Plans for this summer include starting seeds in peat pellets, and recycled containers, planting several types of veggies/flowers, doing a geo-cashing/scavenger hunt, preparing some beet cupcakes and growing a salsa garden.  Enrollment funds will be used for supplies and treats for the planned meetings.  We hope to build some terrariums/succulent gardens that could be exhibited at the fair.

For more information or to join this club, contact Stephanie Blum out at Faller Landscape & Nursery 362-2714 or emailing her at fallerlsdesign@gmail.com.  I know that Stephanie, Joan and Mary Beth Kunze and other volunteers will do a great job with this club!  If you are interested, contact them now!

Corn Grower, Ag Chamber and Pork Producer Scholarship Application Time

I mentioned it last week, but wanted to remind area 2012 graduating seniors residing in York County and/or graduating from a York County High School or are members of a 4-H or FFA Chapter in York County to apply for the Corn Grower, Ag Chamber or Pork Producer Scholarships.  The Corn Grower and Ag Chamber Scholarships are due this Thursday Feb 23, 2012 while the Pork Producer Scholarship is due the following Thursday March 1st!

The Corn Grower/Ag Chamber Scholarship application can be submitted on line at the Greater York Chamber of Commerce website at: http://yorkchamber.org/.  While the Pork Producer Scholarship and the Corn Grower/Ag Chamber forms can be found on the York Extension Website at: http://york.unl.edu/web/york/4hscholarships.

On-Farm Research Planning Meeting

Just a reminder, if you are interested in conducting your own on-farm research and being a part of the UNL/Corn Grower effort, plan to attend our annual planning session on Monday February 27th at 1:00 p.m. here in York at the 4-H Building.  I hope you’ll be able to attend!

Cornhusker Economics Conference Planned

A reminder about the Cornhusker Economics Conference planned for February 29th at the Clay County Activities Building at the Clay County Fairgrounds.  The program will run from 10:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. with registration beginning at 9:30 a.m.  The conference will cover key topics affecting farm management and production decisions for 2012. It is offered by UNL Extension and the UNL Department of Agricultural Economics and is sponsored in part by funding from the Nebraska Soybean Board.

Dan O’Brien of Kansas State University will share his insight on grain and oilseed outlook and risk management decisions in today’s uncertain markets.  Shane Ellis, livestock marketing specialist at Iowa State University, will discuss the outlook for livestock markets and producer profitability.

UNL Extension Educator Allan Vyhnalek will use his local knowledge and analysis to discuss land markets and leasing arrangements with implications for producer decisions.  The closing session will feature a focus on agricultural policy and the direction for new farm programs by Brad Lubben, UNL Policy Specialist.

There is a $25 registration fee to cover programming expenses for speakers, materials, and the noon meal.  Please RSVP to Jenny Rees at the Clay County Extension Office at (402) 762-3644 or jrees2@unl.edu by Feb. 27 so we can obtain a meal count.  It should be a good session, so I hope you’ll plan to attend.

Chemigation Training and Certification Classes Planned

I have chemigation training sessions planned for:

March 7, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., 4-H Building, York

April 4, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., 4-H Building, York

Participants will be provided a manual and calibration workbook the day of the training, but it this will be your first time, you may want to stop by our office to obtain a copy of the materials so that you can review them prior to attending the training session.  The training/testing will take approximately 3 to 4 hours.

On the day of training please bring your Chemigation Training Manual, Calibration Workbook, and a calculator. There is no charge for the manuals or training. Advanced registration is not required.

Crop Scout Training Planned for March 14th

Keith Glewen, Extension Educator in Saunders County shared some information about plans for a Crop Scout Training planned for March 14th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the university’s Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead.

Cost is $125 and includes lunch, refreshment breaks, workshop materials and instruction manual. Registrants should preregister to reserve their seat and to ensure workshop materials are available the day of the training session. Updated reference materials are included in this year’s take-home instruction manual.

Topics include: how corn and soybean plants grow and develop, soybean and corn insect management, insect quiz, identifying weeds — plant morphology, using a key to identify weed seedlings, crop diseases and quiz, and nutrient deficiencies.

Certified Crop Advisor continuing education credits are available with 4 in pest management, 1 in crop management and .5 in fertility/nutrient management.

For more information or to register, contact UNL Extension at 402-624-8030, 800-529-8030, email Keith Glewen at kglewen1@unl.edu, or online at http://ardc.unl.edu/training.shtml.

Landowner/Tenant Lease Workshop Planned           

This time of year we receive many questions about leases and land values, so we’ve scheduled a workshop designed to assist landowners, tenants and agri-business professionals with issues related to farmland ownership management, and leasing arrangements.  This workshop is planned for Wednesday evening March 21st from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Topics include:  Trend is farmland values and cash lease values, good lease communications, writing a good lease, and flexible cash leases.

The Nebraska Soybean Board is sponsoring the workshop, so there is no cost to attend and receive the handouts, but please call 402-362-5508 or email me at gzoubek1@unl.edu to reserve a spot and ensure adequate handouts will be prepared.

This workshop is designed for both landlords and tenants.

York County Corn Grower and RoundUp Ready Soybean Plot Entries

Ron & Ray Makovicka, Jerry Stahr and I have just completed making plans for the 2012 York County Corn Grower and RoundUp Ready Soybean Variety Comparison Plots.  We’ve email information to area seed representatives, but if you know of some you’d like to see in this year’s plots, please have them contact me at 402-362-5508 or email me gzoubek1@unl.edu and I’ll be glad to send them the entry information and plans.

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