Home News Business Heartland FBLA Members Attend Fall Leadership Conference

Heartland FBLA Members Attend Fall Leadership Conference


The Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference was held September 27 in Kearney.  This conference was a one-day workshop for FBLA officers and members.  The FBLA state officers shared information on various activities and state goals.  This year’s state theme is “FBLA:  50 Fabulous Years.”

The 2011-2012 Nebraska FBLA goals are:  FOCUS – increase participation in Business Achievement Awards, promote All-State Quality Member Awards, incorporate area meetings, inform members about Money Smart Week; INFORMATION – utilize electronic communication, update online resources, expand parliamentary procedure knowledge; FUNDRAISE – raise $16,000 for the March of Dimes, donate $10,000 to the Nebraska FBLA Foundation; TEAMWORK – complete the Go Green Challenge, Connect 2 Business with Nebraska Career Connections, strengthen relationship with PBL, foster bonds with other CSOs and school organizations; YIELD – encourage all populations to join, gain 300 members, charter 5 chapters, develop FBLA Middle Level, Tally it Up to 8 service hours per member.

The keynote speaker at the general session was Eddie Slowikowski.  His presentation was titled, “Believing in Achieving:  How to Create Success in Under Four Minutes.”  He encouraged members to find their vision by using their in-born gifts of imagination and creativity to build the ultimate winner.  He ended his presentation by entertaining us with his own rendition of the “Evolution of Dance.”  Following the general session, the officers and members attended individual workshops.

The following officers and members attended the conference:  President Cody Brown, Vice President Sondra Buller, News Reporter Ashley Quiring, Historian Rachel King, Committee Representative Allison Braun, Sidney Dick, Gina Grady, Cody Kroeker and Kaitlyn Quiring.  Also attending the conference was adviser Kristy Most.

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