Home Faith Nebraska MCC Relief Sale Sets Record

Nebraska MCC Relief Sale Sets Record [PHOTOS]

The 32nd Annual Nebraska MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) Relief Sale was held at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds in Aurora, Nebraska April 1st and 2nd with total sales reaching $198,673.92. 

Each year hundreds of people head to the fairgrounds in Aurora to attend the annual Nebraska MCC Relief Sale for food, fun, auctions and more.  All proceeds go to the MCC to be used for the ministries.

The Quilt and Craft Auction both had great turnouts as people were bidding on everything from a quilt to a jar of vanilla to a Hustler mower.  The sale was a huge success as it became a record-setting year with the auction’s alone raising $133,611.07.

The MCC is the relief, service and development agency of North American Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Churches.  MCC’s relief work involves providing material aid such as wheat, beans, clothing and medical supplies to meet emergency needs. Long-term development workers including teachers, engineers, nurses and agriculturists promote a better life for individuals and communities.

The folks that attended the event were blessed with great weather.  It was nice to have sunshine and minimal wind; past years have not been so lucky and attenders had to deal with rain, wind and cold weather.  For this year’s event, the children were able to play indoor and outdoor and people moving from building to building or spending time talking with friends outside had beautiful weather to add to the enjoyment.

The event was successful as many people gathered and participated to prepare great food and engage in wholesome fellowship.  The event also provided a great time to see friends, family and past classmates while enjoying the Mennonite heritage and its traditions.

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