Home News Five Teachers Announce Retirement

Five Teachers Announce Retirement



Five Heartland teachers have turned in their retirement intentions at the end of the current school year.  Larry Vancura, Athletic Director and Math instructor, 42 years; Dave Ehly, German and English instructor, 40 years; Sharon Bishop Language Arts instructor, 32 years; Joan Friesen, Media Specialist/Librarian, 25 years; and Dan Gilson, Industrial Technology instructor, 9 years. The board has expressed sincere appreciation for the combined 148 years of service to the Heartland District. Their services will be missed by the students, staff, and community of Heartland Community Schools. Superintendent Dr. Norm Yoder said, “It will be very difficult to replace the experience of these five individuals. We will miss their expertise. We are really appreciative of their dedication and commitment to Heartland. We wish each of them the very best in their respective retirement years.”

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